Apartments on Glebe Street

Great Places for Great People Tenant Login

Frequently Asked Questions
--- Click the question mark icons to see the answers. ---

  Finding An Apartment

? How much is the rent? What does it include? Is it negotiable?
? What is the address? Can you tell me more about the house and area?
? Is it still available? When is it available? Do you have anything else available?
? Do you require a lease? First and Last? Can you be flexible about it?


? Why do I have to fill out a viewing application? Can I pick a different day or time?
? Why didn’t you book my viewing request?


? Do you have a number I can call you at? What is your email address?
? Why didn’t you answer my email? Why didn't you call like I asked?

  Applying to Rent

? How do I apply to rent? Why do I have to provide so much information?
? When do I find out if I got the place?

  Everyday Livin'

? Are any of the utilities subject to surcharges?
? Doesn’t EOA have a bad reputation? Who would want to live THERE?!
? What’s it like sharing a house? Do you allow pets & smokers? What are the other tenants like?
? Is there anything else I should consider before signing a lease?